Friday, 8 October 2010

Linking Through Association

Welcome to our house!

Click the doorbell to come in & play!

Hi i'm George! And i'm Luca! We are twins!

Do you want to play a game?! Click on George if you do!

Let's go upstairs & play!

I know what we can play!

I spy with my little eye something beginning with T!

Click on what George is thinking of!

Yes toys!

Luca is bored of this game!

Let's play hide & seek!
1 2 3 4...

He won't find me here!


My turn to count!

I can't find George anywhere!

It's time for our dinner now !

Bye! come again soon!

So this is my first attempt at linking through association, I had the idea in my head but to be honest when putting it into practical mode it didn't work as well as I wanted. It was made in mind for a young audience therefore the characters used are young so they can relate to them. However, it was hard photographing George & Luca and getting them to do what I wanted them to do as they were a bit to young to understand. I think for future reference it would be easier to work with objects & not people.


  1. your start is very similar to mine ha :) i havent used people apart from my boyfriend's hand every now and again! it is a lot easier that way isnt it? :P is this what youre going to be using? x

  2. i liked it and with a bit more 'interaction design' can imagine it working well.
