Sunday 23 January 2011

Task For Jools...

In preparation for Monday's Threshold Concept:Narrative Lecture I want you all to find a website for a company/organisation. From examining that website describe the type of brand that site represents.
I want you to define a brand as "something that company/organisation offers that that company/organisation would to be seen as making them distinctive from other similar companies/organisations."
The website can be for any type or organisation. A water company, a sporting gear company, a political party, anything really that is represented through a website.
After choosing your website/company you need to find three elements from the site that demonstrate how you came to your brand description.
Bring your notes and the url into the lecture. be prepared to discuss your choice and reasonings.

Apple is a well know brand for products such as computers, laptops, ipods and phones. The website makes them distinctive from other brands that do these sort of products such as Windows, Sony, Nokia and Dell because the layout and navigation of the website is visually inspiring- already giving it advantage to it's competitors. Colour scheme is kept to a minimum - grey and white which adds to the feel of class. The constant show on the website of the apple logo shows proffesionalism.

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