Friday, 7 December 2012

Finished Client

Areas of strength

I think I have understood the brief well, I now have good knowledge on ATRG and the products they produce and hope this comes across through the website. I have created a scrolling 5 page site which gives the user a sense of facilities on offer, sense of the expertise, staff and student and are left with the lasting impression of the tag line I created and Twitter and Facebook details.
I researched well into this project before creating the site, looking at sites for inspiration, creating mood boards, logo ideas, colour themes and wireframes to see what would best fit into the concept of the website. I have used many different skills to construct the site, Photoshop,  Dreamweaver, JavaScript, HTML5 and JQuery.
I have blogged all my process from start to finish, from very first initial ideas to the finished project. I have shown the ideas I had, why I applied them to the work, how it worked, if it didn’t work so well – for example using a light box gallery to show images didn’t have the effect I thought it would, as it became very boring for the user looking at very similar photos of the textile machinery.
The finished product of my site, I personally feel meets the assignment brief soundly. I think the logo and tagline are effective, the font used fits well into the theme of ATRG. I’m glad I kept to the idea of having a scrolling site, considering the site is aimed at an audience of whom are research students/researchers who are interested in the group and want to join as a career and crucially prospective investors, the site has to be informative yet contemporary. The scrolling gives it slight edge to the standard 5 page site.
I particularly think the contact page is effective in terms of the ability to contact ATRG but also the lasting impression of the Twitter and Facebook page, placed on the contact page and then again on the footer, both being at the bottom of the scroll page so the user can’t be distracted away from the site until they have covered all the pages.
My site is compatible with all browsers, although due to some JavaScript code it is best viewed in Firefox. The interactive experience leads to users having a lasting positive impression of ATRG.

Areas to improve

In terms of improving my work, I would like more of a better text and image ratio. I do think there is a lot of text in each section but the purpose being to inform the user to ATRG and the facilities, I found it hard to achieve this without so much text.
I did have a textile colour theme I found on AdobeKuler but because of the background  changed to, only white worked well with is as a background so the other colours had to change to fit to this and I don’t think it works quite as well, maybe looking a little dull.
I found it quite difficult at first creating a site for a client whom I knew very little about, so had to research quite a lot into ATRG until I could understand fully what they did.
Seeing my peers final product, I would have quite like to have the timeline on the site, however I feel this would have fitted the brief of what we have done more than mine of where we are now better, I would like an element to show information other than just text.
I did initially want a theme for the site, a modern world science feel shown with colours, images and text to engage the audience, creating curiosity but at the same time creating user awareness.  The science theme was hard to create due to the codes not working for moving the background .I think the site no longer has a theme but more of just this is ATRG site.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Facilities Page & Images

Javascript on images for facilities page, did create a light-box but it wouldn't work properly with a code from the scrolling and looked quite boring for the user to scroll through lots of images of machines. Decided to add Javascipt code for changing images on this section and it works a lot better.

Images I plan on using to show the facilities of ATRG:

Monday, 3 December 2012

Contact Page

contact page for ATRG, think it completes brief with the user being left with the lasting impression of the ATRG and it’s Facebook, Twitter and website details.

in terms of the ability to contact ATRG the user is able to message for any information and also have the lasting impression of the Twitter and Facebook page, placed on the contact page and then again on the footer, both being at the bottom of the scroll page so the user can’t be distracted away from the site until they have covered all the pages.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Saturday, 1 December 2012

1 week To Go

submitted my context :) feeeel ok about it, feel the rationale explained why I used the images well.

research on about 2000 words.. still need to reference all my work & add more to discussion and do abstract.

Client, almost done then going to blog & justify everything Ive done & why

slowlllly getting there.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Context Images

Pretty much finished 1000 word rationale and 5 images for context 3 for exhibition images for deadline on Friday.

image 3, 4 & 5...




Monday, 26 November 2012

ATRG Client Project

quick update on work.. basic layout is finally done, need to add content, photos, few javascript codes.

changed the background from plain white as it looked pretty dull and boring to the image of the ATRG booklet I have.

any feedback would be brillllll..

Saturday, 24 November 2012

New Image 2

changed image 2... background same as blog, twitter etc, write this up about branding myself etccccc.

1st idea

2nd idea

note to self.. typography, quotes, recent posttts.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Monday, 19 November 2012

50 Words

Hollie Ferguson is a passionate multimedia student, looking for graduate entry in the career of choice, specialising in web design and development. Her work shows experience of producing many different sites for varied clientele. Skilled in coding and design, through organisational prowess and on-going passion; delivers exceptional creative’s within deadlines.

right now, concentrating on context 3 as deadline is pretttty soon.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Everythinggggg So Far

hate third year

context 3 I hate, i'm not creative, my images aren't great but hope my rationale to back them up is goooood.

research project is good, question on how have local businesses reacted to opportunities of digital media. I've had a few interviews with a few businesses which has helped my research to get a good insight into it. the few books i've read have helped me understand and good few quotes to reference. my lit review is done, so is intro, half of abstract, background to research and now onto discussion which is the big part & taking foreverrrr to write up

client project, keep changing my ideas and layout and looks nothing like I first intially thought it would when doing the presentation for it.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

sticking to my gantt chart and deadlines went down really well.
so behind. so stuck.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Context 3 Images

Dead end with this assignment, did shit on context 3 start up factory which i'm gutted about as I thought I did pretty well. Obviously not. had 3 images in mind but don't think they work well for who I am? what am I trying to represent, me as a person, my passion for web, my skills, my work.

Had a look at examples on the now and it seems that they try to get their personalisty across in the assignment as well as skills, knowledge etc. Going to try and get my 5 images done by Monday so I can then start writing the rationale for them, my choice for them and backing them up so Jools is aware of my reasons for them.

brb just gonna commit.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

looking at textile, fabric, art & design sites to get some ideas as I'm so stuck on how to design for a textile site

all are very simple with white basic backgrounds, minimal images but still give the information needed.

also came across this which I love

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Finally have the structure to the site, scrolling code finally works.

Going to ATRG to take some photos and find some more stuff out about them as a research group on weds. Now I have the structure, i'm struggling with content, what pages should I have, what goes where.

Doing the second brief so need to keep in mind; what are they doing at the moment, the facilities and staff expertise.

Think i'm going with this logooooo and then every page will have it on as well as the tag line "creating the clothes for tomorrow"

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Feedback Client Presentation

Areas of strength:
Very well thought out presentation delivered at speed! Slow down in future….
You have analysed the requirements of the website very well through a thorough analysis of the brief.
Good analysis of audience.
Mood board and colour-palettes showed an engagement with the design process.
Logo analysis good. Tag Lines shows a good deal of engagement with client requirements.
Good exploratory wire frames and site navigation design.
Excellent time-management plan.
Overall a good piece of work. Well done.

Areas to improve
Maybe more experimentation and exploration of possible scrolling pages.
However this is a strong start. Keep up the good work!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Context 3 Images

Been creating images for context 3 today. Finding this assignment hard as I'm not creative and have no drawing skills. Have a few ideas with what could work well for the brief though, a few images I have sketched today:

Also trying to come up with 50 word statement

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Research Project

Working on my research project today, kept to the time plan well.

Read a few books, and lots of websites to reference. Have a one to one with Syliva next week so going to show her what i've done so far & what she thinks of it.
Few interviews with some businesses to help me out with some questions.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Logo & Tagline

“The current logo represents our core technology where an integrated-circuit chip (yellow) is embedded within the fibres of a yarn (light blue).”
This logo does nothing for ATRG. There is nothing to show who they are and to sell themselves. They need re branding, starting with a new logo and we have been told to create a tag line so I am looking at potentially incorporating this in with the logo.

The tagline I have gone with is ATRG creating the clothes for tomorrow. I did intially have ATRG electronic clothes for the electrical world but Shaun said it sounds like its for PC world or comet & after saying it over I agree.

Logo ideas..something basic but effective is what I want. Had the idea of the text being like a needle a thread..some images for inspiration.

Chris Ramsey

Went to see Chris Ramsey last night, got given free tickets never really heard of him before, seen him on celebrity juice a few times. Checked his website out and thought it was pretty good, couldn't give me inspiration for client project as it won't fit the brief but maybe for future assignments:

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Colour Theme Ideas

Colour ideas from adobe kuler.I searched for themes of textiles, electronics and science. For me the 4th and 6th will work well with the theme and I will concentrate on these colours for my site.

Wireframes & Moodboard

I have decided on the scrolling as I think it gives a modern touch and creative ideas such as needles and threads could perhaps be used with the design.
The moodboard images interpret what the site I am creating is about and the basic idea that ATRG are integrating electronics into products.

Client Proposal Presentation

presentation on proposal for client project, unsure if it's right as i've missed the lectures and dropbox submission ffs
Home from holiday and from looking at everyone's blogs I've missed so much ffs. needed to submit by presentation I did for week 13 on concept, design ideas, visuals, prototypes & management plan. Although I also need to do a proposal on it so need to update it now and send it on to Shaun.
about ready to cry.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


go on holiday for a ten days today, submitted my context 3 essay last night & printed my lectures off to keep up to date with my work. Have my wire frames to create for client project and carry on with research project.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

ATRG Brief

From the 3 briefs on the client ATRG project I gathered
brief 1 = future, what will become of ATRG?
brief 2 = present, the facilities & staff expertise
brief 3 = past, achievements, products, key participants.
I have chosen Interactive Brief 2 - Where We Are. This was my first initial project to go with when first reading the brief and after more time and tutorial time on this project, have decided I am still going to do this one. The audience must have: a sense of the facilities on offer, strong sense of the expertise, staff and student produced as a result of this ATRG facility. Be left with the lasting impression of the ATRG and it’s Facebook, Twitter and website details. Be in a strong position to remember the tag line I have created for the group.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Re Search

The word research is composed of two syllables, re and search.
• re is a prefix meaning again, anew or over again
• search is a verb meaning to examine closely and carefully, to test and try, or to probe.
• Together they form a noun describing a careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge, undertaken to establish facts or principles.
• Research is a structured enquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific methodology to solve problems and create new knowledge that is generally applicable

• Dawson, Catherine, 2002, Practical Research Methods, New Delhi, UBS Publishers’ Distributors
• Kothari, C.R.,1985, Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited.
• Kumar, Ranjit, 2005, Research Methodology-A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners,(2nd.ed.),Singapore, Pearson Education.

Research Plan Presentation & Feedback

Presented my research plan today...

Feedback from Sylvia:
•The topic is excellent: quite important in the field of integrated design. By integrated design I mean multidisciplinary approach to complex systems design often blending technology with business and entrepreneurship.
•Your motivation is good.
•Prior to conducting the interviews you need to have literature review and cover the relevant areas. I suggest you look at (in addition to the planned ones) at service design.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Client Project Timeplan

Plan to be finished by end November to be able to check and validate the coding and improve upon for final deadline.
Sticking to the timeline within the chart will allow me to finish other projects in good time.

Research Time Plan

Context 3 Idea..

For my start up factory idea : I intend to start a company that enables schools to access my website to view videos of reformed young offenders who have served their prison sentence and who talk about the effect crime has had on their lives and act as an educational lesson as to why young adults should consider the life choices they make carefully; for instance drugs, gangs and shop lifting are common temptations facing the generation growing up in the 21st century. It will support education, self improvement and self actualisation through real life experience. I go on holiday on Weds for a week so need to submit this on Tues so need to start cracking on with it asap. Hope my idea has a good concept & plenty of research into current ideas will help me to write it well.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

7 P's Of The Marketing Mix

Product USP-The ‘Unique Selling Proposition’ states clearly the features and benefits that make your offer different from your competitors.

Place-Where your product/service is sold to customers. Also how it is distributed to that place

Price- What you can charge for it in the market based on costs and value to the customer.

Promotion- The means to make potential customers aware of your offer

People- Your staff or representatives. Customer service and after-care that builds customer loyalty.

Process-The procedures that your company uses to deliver your offer have a role in building your brand.

Physical Environment- Your workplace, showroom or retail presence sets an impression of your business to your customers, suppliers and staff.

Notes From Today..

for own use & reference to help on esssssay

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


"I've not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"

- Thomas. A Edison

Client Project.. Brief To Pick

What I gathered from tutorial with Shaun the other day, we have to create a marketing website for ATRG - advanced textiles research group.
brief 1 = future, what will become of ATRG?
brief 2 = present, the facilities & staff expertise
brief 3 = past, achievements, products, key participants.
at the mooo most set on brief 2 but need to research more into ATRG then produce presentation of ideas for week 13 based on concept, design ideas, prototypes & management plan.
Getting research presentation & context 3 out the way then can really start on this.