Sunday, 17 February 2013

Aretfact Twoooo

Still a little unsure how this will work, but leading on from artefact 1 in which I found 29 out of the 30 businesses from questionnaires had some sort of online presence, i wanted to find out more into what for.. advertising themselves..selling their products. How well they use the opportunities of the web and ascertain levels of effort, investment and relevance the business put into their website / social networking site.

I'll look at companies that have both a website and Facebook page and then either or to see if this makes a difference, the time the company was established may make a difference, the type of industry the company is may also impact the results.

i'm going to take screen shots and compare the aesthetics, layout, frequency of content updates and just the general amount of effort put into the use of digital media.

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