Sunday 5 December 2010

One Shot Film 300 Word Rationale... :)

My brief for this project was to produce a one shot film titled "you decide" in which in our group we could only zoom / pan once. During the three weeks I have learnt about filming, composition, lighting, sound effects and I have how to use editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro.
For our practice one shot to get used to the camera and the idea of one shot we filmed a stereotypical spy scene in which two characters dropped off and picked up a suspicious parcel. We developed this idea further for our final idea in which there was a twist & the spy scene became comedy as a surprise birthday party took place.

Filming didn't exactly go to plan due to the snow & it was pretty hard to capture what we planned. Lee and Elliot were playing the spy scene as we felt males suited it more and met the genre more than a female would. I edited this scene by playing mission impossible to create the atmosphere of suspence and create tension. Whilst Elliot opens the envolope the audience is intriged to see what is inside. Happy birthday song is then played and me and Amanda come on with party hats, presents and blowers. Party blower sound is editing in to the film.

I did want to use a pink text for the title and credits but it didnt fit into the theme well so chose a black and red theme. The name of the one shot is the suspicious birthday - hence what happens in the film. The film isn't very long which it could be critised for but it was so cold filming!the film could had a wide audience in which it attracts both male and females, could be seen as either spy/sci fi or comedy.

I enjoyed planning for the one shot and filming although it was cold. I found the software a little hard to use at first but once I got used to it I found the editing of the film quite simple.

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