Saturday, 28 April 2012

Feedback From Client

Met Robin yesterday and here are notes from what we discussed we could improve/change.
Header uses a lot of space, any way to condense it?
 Use funding arts council
 Twitter and fb logos don’t have to be on every page but maybe not put them in footer?
 By news bit on homepage?
Twitter and fb logos should be the original logo so people who use site know what they are.
 Colours are the same but the pencil and green colour have continuity from other site which is good.
 If have time maybe change logo so it isn’t all so square – maybe hand drawn.
 Can we do weekly emails
 Easy to change from public and private?
 Payment should it be on a page with bookings etc or page on its own? – leave to robin
 Stay login for member due to browser?
 Members link drop down Change the studio to bookings and about me to the studio

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Wireframe 1

simple wireframe of what I imagine the site to look somewhat like after our discussion as a group from the info Robin has given us

Group Blog here is the group blog to show progress of the client group project. each have our own login to post.

Monday, 16 April 2012

We have been looking at other writers’ studio website to gain some ideas & inspiration

Friday, 13 April 2012

Nottingham Writers' Studio

met our client Robin for the first time yesterday to gather ideas about what he wanted for the site and thoughts on the current NWS site. made a doc. above of what is wanted and what pages etc. Robin made is clear he thought the current site was redundant & needs a coherent design. pages to be kept the same as current site but condense down more as a lot of info. is repeated on different pages. design needs to grab attention and we are free to change the logo and pretty much use any colour scheme we like.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Nottingham Writers' Studio

Before Easter holidays me, Harry, Lucy & Mark were put into a group for DP3 client group project, we decided to re design the Nottingham Writers' Studio website

Harry has emailed Robin at the studio and a meeting is arranged for 12th April to discuss ideas & plans for the project.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Assignment Brief Three: Group Project

Assignment Brief Three: Group Project
Set Week 34 (22.03.2012)
Presentation: Week 41 (11.05.2012)
Deadline Week 44 (01.06.2012)

Brief: Real world design solution.

Design and build a website to your chosen client’s specification.
In teams design, implement and evaluate a website that demonstrates your understanding and expertise in all three pathway module areas.

Students will be expected to submit a full JOINT report on the proposal, design, implementation and testing of this website. They will also be expected to give a JOINT presentation in Week 42 specifying their progress and specific roles in its construction, client liaison and deployment.

Interface Design:

Provide a professional design solution which is fully mobilised, accessible and standards compliant to WC3 guidelines
Please demonstrate flair and creative design principles which show a wide contextual base and sound technical knowledge of basic CSS3 and HTML/HTML5 as a framework for deploying interactivity.

Flash and PHP database driven solutions are at your discretion. Work will be graded according to functionality, accessibility, overall design flair and client satisfaction.

Presentation Week 42 :

A group presentation on Friday 11th May specifying progress and team member’s specific roles in construction, client liaison and deployment.
What to hand in: DROPBOX submission Friday 1st June 2012
*N.B. TEAM LEADER’s Dropbox ONLY!*

Deadline Friday 1st June 5 pm (Week 44)

Submit your website files as a single compressed Zip file (through compressing your appropriately labelled root folder); to your team leader’s dropbox.

Include the URL of the live version of your website running on the the team leader’s website (if this is not possible please talk to either Shaun Belcher, Giselle Leeb or David Downes);

Submit both the Zip file and design report evaluation via the team leader’s Dropbox as set up on NOW.

Also include any power-point or presentation documentation.

Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your work is viewable to staff members. Double check your work on several machines running XP.